Friday, July 18, 2008

The Pond

When we bought our ten acres, it was pretty amazing right from the beginning. My husband worked really hard to make it even more beautiful. We had a boggy area filled with blackberry bushes and snakes! that we would run across to get to the woods. One day we were talking and decided that maybe we could dig out the boggy area and put a pond in. We got some estimates and visited with a couple of pond builders and decided that yes this would work.

There were three large willow trees in the middle of the boggy field. I wanted to keep them and make an island in our pond. Our builder said that we could do that. I named it Willow Island.

It was really exciting watching the pond being dug. Our three oldest boys were about 8,10 and 12. The 8 and 10 year old had a blast "helping". They were covered in red dirt for days getting down in the opening for the pond. The funnest day was when we discovered quicksand over in an area of the pond. It is covered with water now. Fish have been added, too. We have catfish, perch and some bass. They are fun to watch. We don't fish, but we love to invite people over that do.

One winter our pond froze. It was really exciting. The ice was thick enough to sled on. I imagined that this might happen each winter, but it did not. It has been 8 winters since the pond froze. We have had snow, but no frozen pond to sled across. We will have to live on memories.

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